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Ohio State family responds to recent violence in University District

Cecilia Minard, a senior at The Ohio State University, said most of the time she feels safe in and around campus. But, recently she has started to worry.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — In the past couple of weeks, there has been an increase in violence in the University District.

Cecilia Minard, a senior at The Ohio State University, said most of the time she feels safe in and around campus. But, recently she has started to worry.

“It’s a fact of being around here [crime], but I do feel like it’s picked up a lot recently,” she said.

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Cecelia said the recent violence is upsetting. It has made her start to feel differently about safety around where she lives.

“I feel mostly angry that this sort of stuff is happening so often,” she said. “I don't know what else could be done. I wish there was more but I think realistically, stuff like this it’s really hard to control,” she added.

Christy Minard, Cecelia’s mother also attended Ohio State. She said she doesn’t normally worry about her daughter.

“She’s not someone that is usually alone, she is often with friends,” said Christy.

But, after Wednesday’s shooting, she is more concerned.

“Never before have I felt the need to say be careful, go home early, stay with a big group of friends. Even with a big group of friends, if there’s gunshots across the street a big group of friends isn't necessarily going to protect you,” said Christy.

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Ohio State University President Ted Carter sent a letter to the community on Thursday. He said he has been in touch with Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther’s office and that their police agencies are working together closely. 

Officers will have a highly visible presence on and around campus and will continue their targeted efforts to reduce crime.

Christy and Cecelia said they hope things change and the violence stops.

“It’s a change now from how things used to be,” said Christy. “I wish there was more regulation with guns... the stem of the problem, root of the issue is the access to guns people have,” said Cecelia.  

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