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Man Accused Of Drinking Boys' Urine Arrested In Dublin

NEW INFORMATION: A convicted child predator is charged with a new crime but he's not in jail. Learn about the man's troubling history.

Police charged a northwest Columbus man with criminal mischief for allegedly planning to collectyoung boys' urine and drink it.

Alan Patton was recently spotted in restrooms at Sports Ohio two weeks ago, 10TV's GlennMcEntyre reported.

According to a police report obtained by 10TV News, Patton, 56, the female employee recognizedhim as the same man she saw the previous week "putting Saran Wrap on toilets and cups inurinals."

The employee called police and found Patton walking out of a restroom stall with a black dufflebag, McEntyre reported.

Patton told investigators that he was not hurting anyone and that he suffers from anillness.

Police said that Patton did not have contact with any boys during the incident but was at thecomplex at least twice over the past couple weeks.

Patton, a registered sex offender, posted bond and faces the misdemeanor charge, 10TV's AndyHirsch reported.

In 1994, Patton pleaded guilty to a charge of gross sexual imposition against an 8-year-oldboy.  He served four years in prison and was labeled a sex offender. 

Then, in 2006, Patton was caught at a Gahanna movie theater and was accused of watching littleboys urinate.  Police said that Patton admitted to collecting boys' urine and even paid themfor it.  Patton was charged with voyeurism, McEntyre reported.

Police said that Patton would turn the water to the urinals off, place a cup inside and thencollect the urine after a boy went to the bathroom.

"It's just devastating," said a Dublin mother of four, who requested anonymity.  The womansaid that instead of allowing her 9-year-old son to use a public restroom by himself, she will takehim in the women's room with her. 

The mother said she wanted her son to see Patton's picture.

"I told him, 'I know you get very upset when I don't let you go in the bathroom byyourself.  This is why.  There's this man that's waiting in there for little boys to doterrible things to them.'" the mother said.

10TV News reached Patton at his home Sunday but he declined comment.

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