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The Dawes Arboretum celebrates Earth Day with free admission and tree giveaway

The Dawes Arboretum is offering free admission and is giving away free Buckeye Trees on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Credit: Michele Mooney (IPR)

NEWARK, OHIO—Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 is Earth Day and it is also a big day for The Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio.

Located just 30 miles east of Columbus, The Dawes Arboretum is one of North America’s premier public gardens, according to the American Public Gardens Association.

It features over 5,000 varieties of plants over 2,000 acres of land. There are over 12 miles of trails and even a 4-mile drive through tour.

On Earth Day, The Dawes Arboretum is offering free admission.

Due to COVID protocols attendees are asked to reserve a free ticket on their website and use the code EARTHDAY21 before visiting. You may also call them at 740-323-2355 to reserve your free tickets with the same EARTHDAY21 code.

Not only is the admission free on Earth Day, but you can also get your very own Ohio Buckeye Tree!

"We'll be giving away free buckeye trees and we're happy to do that. It's a native tree that we've been collecting in Southern Ohio and of course, who doesn't love an Ohio Buckeye. It's a great opportunity to get a small tree that you can add to your backyard," said Luke Messinger, Executive Director, Dawes Arboretum. 

The free trees will be given away from the Red Barn Reserve location at the Arboretum from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., while supplies last.

The Dawes Arboretum takes in and studies thousands of trees to determine what trees might be in your future garden centers. This research then determines what naturally grows best in Central Ohio.

Messinger said that native plants are best suited for long term conservation and habitats. Some non-native species can grow very well in Ohio, but they can also get out of hand and take over your growing space.

 "Our goal is to really get good landscape plants into people's backyards."

The Dawes Arboretum can also help answer your personal plant questions.

"If you're trying to select a tree, we'll try to help you identify what site that you have and maybe narrow it down to some of the best trees we can grow into that site.”

They can also help identify plant sickness and plant remedies to help your plant or tree flourish.

Despite the recent cold weather, Messinger encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy what mother nature has to offer. There are many plants that are still in bud, so there will be more flowers in bloom soon.

“It's a great thing to unwind, relax, to be in nature, to be in some shade and then go back to your work world a little bit more refreshed."

The Dawes Arboretum is open 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily. For more information on The Dawes Arboretum and their upcoming events, please visit their website at www.dawesarb.org

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