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Skywatch: Look for planets in the morning sky this week

A darkening sky will make stargazing easier as well.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — We start the week with a milestone for the innermost planet. Mercury will reach something known as inferior conjunction. 

At 5:24 a.m. in the morning, Mercury will pass between the sun and the Earth. It won’t be visible as it gets lost in the sun’s glare but the planet is transitioning to the evening sky in the coming weeks.

The last quarter moon arrives on Tuesday morning. It’ll officially be here at 8:21 a.m. The best time to view the half moon is before sunrise on Tuesday.

Speaking of early morning sights, you can find the moon along with Mars and Venus on Saturday morning. 

Look in the southeastern sky early on Saturday and the three will be very close to each other. Venus will shine brighter than Mars. 

Happy hunting!

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