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What to do when your vehicle gets stuck in snow or ice

Sand? Salt? Kitty litter? Yes, all can help you break free from being stuck in an icy situation.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Did you know momentum is better than horsepower? How about using kitty litter that can help your tires gain traction on an icy road?

Nationwide has released a handful of helpful tips when it comes to helping you and your family stay safe while getting your vehicle unstuck.

  1. Clear a path around your tires: Dig out snow and ice from around your tires and under the front or middle of your car. 
  2. Rock your car free of the snow: Carefully switching from drive to reverse can help remove some of the snow around your wheels. 
  3. Don't floor the gas: Go easy on the pedal to give your car a little bit of gas and then let off. 
  4. Add traction under your tires: Sandbags, salt or even kitty litter is good to keep handy when your car is stuck in snow. 
  5. Asking for helping: Calling for help is the next best thing if you can't figure out how to get your car unstuck. 

Most importantly, always remember to try and remain calm and don't do anything abrupt. 

You can view other helpful tips by clicking here

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