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'Ohio against the world': Ryan Day responds to Lou Holtz's criticism in postgame interview

Day went off on former Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz, who called out the Buckeyes toughness in predicting a Fighting Irish victory earlier in the week.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio State coach Ryan Day was fired up Saturday night after the Buckeyes 17-14 win over Notre Dame in South Bend. Day went off on former Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz, who called out the Buckeyes toughness in predicting a Fighting Irish victory earlier in the week.

“I’d like to know where Lou Holtz is right now,” Day said during a postgame interview with NBC. “What he said about our team, I cannot believe. This is a tough team right here. We’re proud to be from Ohio. It’s always been Ohio against the world, and it’ll continue to be Ohio against the world. But I’ll tell you what: I love those kids. We’ve got a tough team.”

Holtz said on the aid on "The Pat McAfee Show" Friday that Notre Dame "is a better football team than Ohio State." He also took a shot against coach Day. 

"You look at coach Day, he has lost to Alabama, Georgia, Clemson, and Michigan twice and everybody beats him because they’re more physical than Ohio State."

In his postgame press conference, Day said his reaction "was brewing for a couple of days."

"A lot of people took a lot of shots at this team over the last 48 hours. It really hit home to me, Day said. "I'm really upset, disrespected by what Lou Holtz said publicly about our team and Ohio State and Buckeye Nation. And we're not going to stand for that because that's not even close to true." 

Day said every game the Buckeyes play in the team is physical. 

"I don't know where that narrative come from but that ends tonight," Day said.

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