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Video Shows Large Brawl At Easton Town Center

A video that surfaced on Facebook over the weekend appears to show around a dozen teens brawling Saturday afternoon at Easton Town Center.

A video that surfaced on Facebook over the weekend appears to show around a dozen teens brawling Saturday afternoon at Easton Town Center.

The video, which has more than 10,000 shares on Facebook, begins in the middle of the fight.

The scuffle lasts on camera for about a minute before police and Easton security officers take down several of those involved in the fray.

The video was captured by Luke Katterhenrich on his cell phone.

“A few of them were already fighting before I started rolling,” he said.

He says the fight lasted about a minute before mall security and Columbus police officers intervened.

“I did think they responded pretty quickly for them to get there within a minute when something like is going on it seems like a lifetime,” he said.

This just happened at Easton! SMFH!

Posted by Luke Katterhenrich on Saturday, February 20, 2016

This isn't the first fight at the Mall that's been caught on camera and raised concerns.

In December two fights broke out, one during Christmas and another shortly afterwards.

Since then, Easton said they’ve increased security, and says it shows by the quick, response of this latest fight.

In January, Easton instituted a parental escort policy that forbids children under the age of 15 to be on mall property unless supervised by an adult starting at 6 p.m.

Dean Boreger has taught mall security for 20 years. He says fights like this can't always be prevented, but they can be reduced by a visible security presence.

“If you have a uniformed presence and they are acknowledging they are there that they know that they know you are there it's a big deterrent,” he said.

Easton says many of people involved in this latest fight were 16 or older. Those 11 people involved have been banned for life from Easton Town Center.

Easton Town Center Code of Conduct Policy

With 25 million people visiting the property every year, Easton says it takes security seriously.

But for people like Katterhenrich, this was another example of why he doesn't visit for more often.

“I'd rather not take my kids and have to deal with that if I would have had my kids I would haven't grabbed my phone I would have gotten as far away as I could,” he said.

Because the victim in this latest fight chose not to press charges, police did not make an arrest.

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