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Tressel Really Doesn't 'Coach' Coin Toss

This week's media briefing by coach Jim Tressel contained chatter about the pregame coin toss.

There were some strange moments when Ohio State coach Jim Tressel addressed the media onTuesday.

First, there was no luncheon scheduled because Tuesday fell on Veterans Day.  Also, we sawa more casual looking coach.  Tressel wore an Ohio State shirt and hat since the mediagathering took place after practice.

As for the questioning, Tressel talked a lot about Illinois, Ohio State's opponent onSaturday.  He also discussed some of the team's injuries and challenges but then answered somequestions about the coin flip.

WEB EXTRAS:  Tressel'sTuesday Transcript | SPECIAL SECTION:  Ohio StateFootball

"We've won the (coin) toss a lot this year.  It's amazing," Tressel said.

A reporter then asked who calls the coin flip.

"That's a good question," Tressel said.

According to the coach, he does not tell the captains whether they should call "heads" or"tails." 

The consensus is that the captains are calling "tails" more often and are winning the coin tossmore than losing it.

As for Tressel's weekly word count, "game," "think," "thought" and "better" were used the moston Tuesday. 

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