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Apple replacing pistol emoji with squirt gun

Apple plans to introduce more than 100 new and redesigned emojis this fall.

MONEYWATCH via CBS NEWS -- Emojis may be small, but they can stir up big emotions.

Apple plans to introduce more than 100 new and redesigned emojis this fall, including a more diverse list of characters, such as female professionals and athletes, as well as more family options and a rainbow flag.

The company said in a statement it is working "to ensure that popular emoji characters reflect the diversity of people everywhere."

The new emojis will be available to iPhone and iPad users whose devices are equipped with iOS 10, the mobile platform Apple is expected to launch in September.

Included in the emoji changes is a redesign of the revolver image, with Apple changing the weapon to a water pistol. That alteration is causing the most reaction, ranging from support to ridicule.

There's some history behind the squirt gun controversy: Apple is ditching the firearm emoji for a plastic toy after pressure from gun-control advocates, including one group's campaign called #DisarmThePhone. In an open letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook, the campaign said, "Many Americans unknowingly carry a gun with them every day. The one that was given to them without a background check: the gun emoji.

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