State officials plan to pay nearly $380,000 for a fence at the Ohio Statehouse.
Statehouse spokesman Gregg Dodd said that the fence will be a replica of the one seen in historic photos and will increase security at the capitol building.
“They want to make sure that the historical accuracy is maintained,” Dodd said. “So, certainly, it is more expensive to have a decorative wrought iron fence, but in the end, it will certainly maintain and keep our statehouse beautiful.”
Dodd said that the fence will be more than just a decoration. He called the fence “a proactive security measure,” helping during rallies at the statehouse.
“The board feels it’s a need,” Dodd said. “It’s a security need – to continue to ensure the statehouse is secure.”
According to Dodd, the fence will also protect state officials more the nearly 500,000 visitors each year.
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Taxpayers Footing Bill For Decorative Statehouse Fence
State officials plan to pay nearly $380,000 for a historic-looking fence they say will add to statehouse security. Get details from Watchdog 10.