A rare kiwi chick was hatched at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium on Wednesday, marking just thethird time the bird has been successfully hatched in North America.
Only five of the birds have been hatched in North America since 1975. Kiwis are flightless birdsabout the size of a domestic chicken.
Kiwi chicks are miniature versions of the adult kiwi and are about 1/8 of the size of an adultwhen they hatch.
The nocturnal bird is on its own after it is hatched and must find food and survive withoutassistance, the zoo said.
Kiwis use their long beaks to forage for earthworms and other invertebrates, fruits andberries.
The sex of the chick is not yet known but it will be determined through DNA testing, the zoosaid.
The five distinct species of kiwi are only found in New Zealand, and the Columbus Zoo is one ofthree zoos in the U.S. that have kiwi birds on display.
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