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House passes legislation to protect Ohioans from rising property taxes

The bill will modify the procedures used by the Tax Commissioner to conduct property tax sales assessment ratio studies.
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File photo - The Ohio Statehouse

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio House of Representatives passed Wednesday the Ohio Homeowners Relief Act, an effort to protect Ohioans from rising property taxes.

The bill will modify the procedures used by the Tax Commissioner to conduct property tax sales assessment ratio studies.

“Butler County is among several Ohio counties where the Tax Commissioner is recommending a 42% increase on property value and a 110% increase on farmland,” said Rep. Rodney Creech. “If these increases came to fruition, most Ohioans would suffer. We must take steps to protect our home and landowners.”

 Specifically, the bill will require the Commissioner to work alongside local elected officials and weigh the past three years of a county’s property values in order to determine property tax, instead of just one.

 The Ohio Homeowners Relief Act now heads to the Ohio Senate for consideration.

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