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Police Officer Hopes For Tips In Son's Slaying

PROJECT SAFE STREETS: Crime Stoppers says people don't need to be afraid to provide information about crimes because their system is completely anonymous. Get the story.

Crime Stoppers relies on the public to provide tips on unsolved crimes, but too often people areafraid to speak up.

Columbus police Officer George Burton has spent nearly 30 years protecting the public, but twoyears ago, the violence hit home for him, CrimeTracker 10's Angela An reported on Monday.

On Aug. 30, 2008, Burton's 16-year-old son was slain. The person who shot him was nevercaptured.

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"I don't recall seeing it to the degree that we're seeing it now, almost daily," Burtonsaid.

Burton's son, Garrett Burton, was with a group of friends, egging cars along Hilliard Rome Road,when a man walked up and shot him, An reported.

"He said 'Get your hands up, or I'm going to blow your face in,'" Burton said. "Garrett put hishands up and said 'OK,' and barely got out the third OK and the guy just pulled the trigger."

Detectives said the crime could be solved if someone with information stepped forward.

"A lot of people are afraid today that if they step forward openly, there will be some sort ofretaliation," said Crime Stoppers coordinator Gerald Milner.

Milner said tips, whether received by phone or e-mail, can remain anonymous.

Tipsters will never be asked for a name or phone number and a computer's IP address cannot betraced.

Instead, callers are given a personalized tip number and Crime Stoppers then passes yourinformation along to the investigating detective, An reported.

Milner said if the crime a person called about is solved, they need to contact Crime Stopperswith their tip number and the organization makes arrangements to give them their reward.

"As long as people stay silent, you're just helping this person stay out there to kill someoneelse maybe," Burton said.

Garrett Burton would have graduated from Westland High School this year.

"I had this made up for graduation this year," Burton said. "I keep things like they would havebeen had this not happened."

So far this year, Crime Stoppers has received 1,300 anonymous tips, and handed out $8,000 inrewards.

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Previous Stories:

September 23, 2008:  PoliceAppeal For Tips In Teen's Slaying
September 20, 2008: StudentsRepaint Rock In Memory Of Slain Teenager
September 2, 2008: Still No Arrest In Shooting Over Egg-Throwing Prank
August 31, 2008: TeenFatally Shot After Throwing Eggs At Cars; No Arrests Made
August 30, 2008: Egg-Throwing Prank Likely Led To Fatal Shooting, Police Say


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