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Police Chief Jackson Reflects On Lawsuit, Retirement

After announcing his retirement last week, Columbus police Chief James Jackson reflects on his public service and offers advice for whoever replaces him. Get the story.

Even as he prepares to leave office, police Chief James Jackson on Monday remained as outspokenabout his views as he's ever been.

With more than a half-century of police work under his belt, Jackson will retire in March 2009after settling an 11-year-old defamation lawsuit with the city.

The settlement was announced on Friday.

SLIDESHOW: Images OfJackson | TIMELINE: ChiefJackson's Career

On Monday, Jackson said he got everything he wanted in the lawsuit settlement, except an apologyfrom the city officials who brought him up on charges in the first place, 10TV's Jerry Revishreported.

"I would have preferred an apology," Jackson said, "but I understand that people have a hardtime apologizing."

According to Jackson, he will leave behind a police department that is better integrated andbetter trained, with lower incidents of force or complaints against police officers, Revishreported.

Still, Jackson said he did not approve of the term limits that the new chief will work under.Jackson himself served 18 years as Columbus' police chief.

"Under the new system you come in under one year probation and four years of service," Jacksonsaid. "But you're more under the whim of politicians that I have been."

Over the years Jackson was criticized for maintaining a low public profile, and for notappearing at homicide scenes or community meetings. Jackson said he preferred to let others shinein their work, like sergeants and officers from individual precincts, Revish reported.

The chief also offered advice for whoever would take his place.

"As I've said many times," Jackson said. "Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly."

Jackson said that having his name enshrined on the police training academy building representsvindication for him, Revish reported.

The chief said that was recognition that he served honorably.

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Previous Stories:

October 3, 2008: Jackson To Retire As Police Chief
March 14, 2008: Jackson Stands To BeLast 'Chief For Life'

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