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Ohio State Unveils Renovated Thompson Library

10TV takes an inside look at the newly-renovated library on Ohio State's campus. See images.

After three years of renovations, the nearly century-old William Oxley Thompson Memorial Libraryhas been reopened and is quickly catching the eyes of students and faculty at Ohio State, 10TV'sKarina Nova reported on Friday.

Freshman biology major Samra Alemu made her first trip to the library this week and was in aweof the facility.

"The first time I came in here I was like, wow, it's really nice," Alemu said.

Older students have pointed out that the library has more open space and light. Those were twoof the things that renovation hoped to address.

SLIDESHOW:  Images Of Library

"The library was really dark before and one of the intents of the redesign was to bring inlight," said library spokesman Larry Allen.

A new addition -- the grand reading room -- was designed to give students more space tostudy.

"It's a very traditional library space," Allen said.  "We've had people tell us it lookslike the New York Public Library.  But it's definitely the space for very seriousstudying."

Another unique spot in the library is the 11th floor.

What used to be an attic has been transformed into another study area with a beautiful view.

"It gives you a view of downtown Columbus and the entire university," Allen said.  "It'sreally a different kind of space from anywhere in the building or on campus."

Sophomore speech and hearing science major Justin Knapp stopped by the library on Thursday for afirst look. 

"I've seen some pictures on Facebook, and I thought I'd come check it out," Knapp said. "It's pretty amazing."

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