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Texas college students raise money for a prosthetic leg for their friend

"Doing to others as you would like them to do to you, it'll make you feel better, it'll make them feel better..."
Credit: S. Sara Tubbs, Lee College Media Relations Manager
Titan Tullous, a Lee College employee and Hall of Fame student, will soon be able to walk again, thanks to a group of Lee College Rotaract students.

BAYTOWN, Texas — Baytown college students raised money so their friend would  be able to walk by Christmas. 

Lee College Rotaract Club members raised almost $10,000 through a car wash fundraiser to buy a prosthetic leg for a Lee College employee and Hall of Fame student. 

With the nearly $10,000 raised, Titan Tullous, who was born with Spina Bifida, can proceed with having the prosthesis made and he expects to have his new leg by the end of the year.

“The kind of student I was in high school, I was feeling rather lost so I didn't pay much attention to my school work or doing anything else like that I was a B-C student but I didn't really feel the urge to try," he said. 

Tullous said he didn't see himself as a person going to college.

"I just wanted to go straight to working. I never thought further into education until I got to be about 25 or 26. The change I was looking to make was to get out of the mindset I was in, which is feeling poor and feeling sorry for myself," he said. 

The Hall of Fame student also wanted to get out of generational poverty which he says has been plaguing his family for years. 

"Being in a wheelchair and having Spina Bifida, there was really not much way to use my physical body. I had to use my mind instead," he said.

Tullous says his experience at Lee College as a student has been all over positive and people are more than willing to help.

"They help with whatever it is. Whether it may be from fixing my wheelchair all the way to fixing a academic problem that I have. The teachers are really good. They're really helpful, they are more than willing to like push you along if you need, quality instruction is almost near perfect to me," he said. 

The Lee College employee says the most surprising part was the amount of support he got from everything he has put his mind to. 

"From doing a greenhouse to graduating, I just got nothing but support from everyone I come in contact with. Really, it's been a very good stepping stone. I'm glad I actually attended college instead of trying to do it on my own," he said. 

Tullous's advice to students, "Never quit learning and never quit teaching anything."

"And always try to help somebody. If nothing else, remember the golden rule of doing to others as you would like them to do to you. It'll make you feel better, it'll make them feel better than it makes you and it's going to make you feel real good. I feel blessed and joyful that people want to support me. I’ve had people from the president of Lee College to janitors donate. And now, I can't wait to walk up the stairs again," he said. 

Lee College Media Relations Manager S. Sara Tubbs says his story showcases the incredible impact of community support and the determination of individuals to overcome adversity. 

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