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Texas 22-year-old who survived getting run over by two cars is out of the hospital – and able to walk again

On Sept. 4, Promise McCree, a poet and graduate student, was driving when she hit a barrier on I-30, according to the Dallas County Sheriff's Office.

DALLAS — The 22-year-old who survived getting hit by two cars is finally out of the hospital. And she can walk again. 

On Sept. 4, Promise McCree, a poet and graduate student, was driving when she hit a barrier on Interstate 30, according to the Dallas County Sheriff's Office.

When McCree got out of her car, investigators said she was hit by another. That driver stopped to help her, but then another driver ran over the lower half of her body and fled the scene. 

Two months in the hospital plus three weeks in rehab later, Promise McCree is finally back home.

"There's nothing that can't be done," her mother, LaJuana McCree, told WFAA Wednesday. 

Promise broke dozens of bones and shattered her pelvis. She needed metal rods in her legs and pins in her hips. Doctors were not certain she’d walk. 

"At times, I would feel like you know what was the point of me surviving that, coming out of that alive?" Promise told WFAA. "Because I was like... this is no way to live."

But the 22-year-old poet had tremendous will to live. She learned how to re-walk, talk and use the bathroom.

In home videos shared with WFAA, you can see the magic in each milestone she accomplished during PT.

"I felt like I had so much left to do on this earth," Promise said. "I had such a great purpose, and I still do have a great purpose."

Part of Promise’s purpose, she said, will now include visiting patients in the hospital.

"Just try to spread some type of positivity, some type of hope, some type of light. Because there are people who don’t have visitors, don’t have families, don’t have friends."

"Had I passed, God forbid, I would've been very unhappy," she said. "Because i felt like i had so much left to do on this earth. I would’ve felt very unsatisfied had I just left the earth life like that."

Promise is now continuing her work as a poet, sharing her work inspired by the accident publicly. 

"This smile," Promise said, gesturing to her grin. "It's never gonna go away."

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