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Man With Urine Fetish Could Be Punished Under Law He Inspired

A Dublin sex offender with a urine fetish is back behind bars and he could be punished using a law that was enacted after his last arrest. Get the story from 10TV.com.

A Dublin man with a history of collecting urine from public restrooms was taken into custody onFriday and charged with criminal mischief, and now he could be punished under a law he helpedinspire.

Alan Patton Jr. was taken into custody just after 3:30 p.m. at his Emberwood Road home,according to the Delaware County Sheriff's office.

Patton was also charged with unlawful collection of a bodily substance, 10TV's Tanisha Mallettreported.

SLIDESHOW: Images Of Alan Patton

According to the Delaware County Sheriff's office, on Oct. 29 at about 7 p.m., an off-dutydeputy encountered a suspicious person in the men's restroom at Burger King, located at 8667Columbus Pike, in Lewis Center.

After several minutes of observing unusual behavior and attempting to speak to the man, thedeputy determined that the man had inserted materials into the toilet for the purpose of collectingurine from the patrons at the Burger King. 

Deputies said that it was suspected that Patton targeted the restaurant because it has a playarea where children are known to gather.

 "The deputy followed the subject to the parking lot and observed him getting into a tan1993 Buick Park Avenue," said Sheriff Walter Davis in a news release.  "The vehicle'sregistration came back to Alan Patton." 

Patton has had multiple incidents involving the collection of urine from central Ohiorestrooms.

In June 2008, Patton was arrested at Sports Ohio, where police said that he attempted to collecturine from a boy using the restroom.

Patton pleaded no contest to criminal mischief charges and served 60 days in jail.

After Patton was arrested in 2008, state Sen. Jim Hughes helped pass legislation that would makecollecting urine or other bodily substances a crime unless the person had privilege to do so, suchas a doctor.

Patton became the face of the bill that Hughes sponsored.

"The intent of this bill is to protect children and keep them safe and to give the prosecutorand police another tool to put these people away and keep them away from our children," Hughessaid.

Patton could face punishment under the same law he inspired.

Under the law, a first offense is a misdemeanor and a second offense is a felony.

Kim Hill was shopping on Saturday with her children just yards away from the restaurant wherePatton was allegedly trying to collect urine, 10TV's Danielle Elias reported.

"I think more complicated than when I was a kid and it was the old fashion stranger danger,"Hill said. "It's just so off the wall, it's no longer somebody offering a kid candy on the cornerand trying to get them to get into the car."

10TV News talked to Patton after his release from jail in 2009 and he said he was leaving thatbehavior in the past.

In April 2009, a manager at the Whole Foods store on Sawmill Road told Patton to leave and nevercome back.

Patton claimed the store was making a mistake.

"If I'm not doing anything wrong they have not to worry.  I know the past is a concern,"Patton said.  "Now I'm not doing anything wrong.  I'm merely shopping, going about my dayin a lawful manner."

Patton's history of sex offenses date back 14 years.

He is required to register as a sexual predator after a 1994 conviction in Franklin County forgross sexual imposition. Patton spent four years in prison for fondling two boys in a MagicMountain restroom in 1993.

Patton was being held at the Delaware County Jail.

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Previous Stories:

November 5, 2010:  Man With Urine Fetish Back in Custody
April 23, 2009: Man With UrineFetish Begins Serving 60-Day Sentence
April 21, 2009: Senate OKsLegislation Sparked By Man's Urine Fetish
April 13, 2009: Store Asks Man WithUrine Fetish To Leave
April 10, 2009: Man WithUrine Fetish To Serve 60-Day Jail Sentence
March 11, 2009: Man Could BeObtaining Urine Away From County
February 26, 2009: BillWould Make Collecting Urine Without Permission Illegal
September 10, 2008: Bill Would MakeCollecting Juveniles' Urine A Felony
September 8, 2008: Man With UrineFetish Pleads No Contest
August 5, 2008: Proposed Bill Could Make Man's Urine Fetish A Crime
July 15, 2008:  Man With Urine Fetish Ordered To House Arrest
June 30, 2008: ManCharged After Trying To Obtain, Drink Boys' Urine
June 29, 2008: Man Accused Of Drinking Boys' Urine Arrested In Dublin

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