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Staying safe & healthy in the heat of summer

There are many things you should watch out for when the heat index gets close to alarming numbers.

There are many things you should watch out for when the heat index gets close to alarming numbers.

AARP says people often get sunburned in their cars because most people don't realize the sun is coming through the windows.

The Ohio Department of Health is asking everyone to make sure babies, the elderly and people with chronic medical conditions avoid heat-related stress.

It's important to remember extra water, and to spend limited time in the sun to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Some symptoms include heavy sweating, paleness, muscle cramps, weakness, headache and fainting.

You can also keep yourself cool by wearing lightweight, light-colored and loose-fitting clothing.

You should also make sure you pets are getting plenty of water, and that you aren't walking them on sidewalks that are too hot.

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