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Skywatch: Look for the Red Planet and the moon early in the week

Mars and the moon will meet early in the week.

You can use the moon to help you find the Red Planet early in the week. Mars and the waxing crescent moon will pass nearby each other on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Mars will shine with a dull, reddish hue. Above is how you’ll find the pair on Monday.


That crescent moon will wax to First Quarter Moon on Thursday (which is also Pi Day — March 14 — but that’s just the math geek in me). At 6:27 a.m. Thursday morning, the half-moon will arrive. Look for it Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Courtesy: NASA

At around 10 p.m. on Thursday evening, Mercury will reach something known as inferior conjunction. That’s when the Sun, Mercury and Earth will all line up. Sadly, the planet will be washed out by our star’s glare that evening.


Something that happened last month is slated to happen again this week. The moon will pass through the famous asterism known as the “Winter Circle”. It’s not really a circle, it’s more of a heptagon, and it’s made up of famous stars throughout the night sky. The “Winter Circle” takes up a large portion of the sky so the moon will pale in comparison to it. Above is how you’ll find it on Friday night. Happy hunting!

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