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Security footage shows brief moments of officers chasing suspect in Short North shooting

The shooting left 10 people injured, including two teenagers.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A man who lives in the Short North shared security footage of officers chasing what appears to be the suspect in a shooting that left 10 people injured early Sunday morning.

The shooting left 10 people injured, including two teenagers. Matt DiThomas and his fiancée heard everything.

“We got home around midnight and we decided to watch a movie on the couch. We both awoke to alarms, sirens, a lot of noise and yelling outside at 2:30,” said DiThomas.

DiThomas said he looked outside and then checked his camera to see exactly what was going on.

“It's scary anytime you hear sirens right outside your house. The unfortunate part is we have been hearing it more and more recently over the last few months,” said DiThomas.

The security video shows a white Honda Civic driving past DiThomas' residence with multiple police officers on foot chasing the vehicle.

Police pursued the vehicle on North 4th Street and Interstate 670, but lost it on Grandview Avenue.

About a block from the shooting is Out of the Closet, a thrift store located on North High Street. Dominique Dansby, the manager, said the violence is overwhelming. She said lately she hasn’t been feeling as safe walking around the neighborhood.

“But now I find myself looking over the shoulder, or having an extra set of eyes to see if any activity is going on,” said Dansby.

Dansby wants more security in the area and she’s even considering having security on site because of the recent violence.

“An extra layer of security is needed at this time,” she said.

For DiThomas, he wants to see more changes with the bars and restaurants in the area.

“Maybe discovering the root of the problem and implementing different codes or policies in and out of the bars in the Short North,” he said. “The biggest thing is, you know, there’s one thing about all of these shootings — they are happening after 2:30, after 2 o’clock in the morning,” said DiThomas.

People 10TV spoke with said they hope to feel safer in the Short North soon.

“We want to feel safe , we want to feel at home here and people to come and see how cool this city is,” said DiThomas.

“It is a good community. Everyone is here to work or hang out and everyone wants to feel safe,” said Dansby.

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