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School bench dedicated to fallen Westerville Officers defaced with words of hate

The bench outside of McVay Elementary School serves a remembrance for Officers Eric Joering and Anthony Morelli. It was installed at the school last week.

WESTERVILLE, Ohio -- Westerville police are investigating after school property was defaced with messages of hate.

One of the vandal's targets was a memorial for two police officers killed in the line of duty.

Just last week, a "buddy bench" was installed outside McVay Elementary School in Westerville.

Damage to a memorial bench honoring fallen Westerville police officers | Photo edited to censor curse words and racial slur)

It was dedicated to the memories of Westerville Officers Anthony Morelli and Eric Joering, who were killed in action in February.

Tuesday that bench had to be removed after being defaced with words of hate.

The new school year starts Thursday at McVay Elementary in Westerville.


The plan was for students to be greeted by something new on their playground: A "buddy bench".

"A buddy bench is intended to bring kids together when they're feeling lonely on a playground. Kids know that if they need someone to play with they can go sit on the bench and that's a signal to the other kids on the playground that there's a kid who's feeling lonely and in need. And they can respond, and they're encouraged to respond," said PTA President Courtney Williams.

The bench was donated by the McVay Elementary School PTA. And Williams says it carried a special importance.

"We as the PTA thought it was important that our buddy bench be dedicated to the memory of our fallen officers, Officers Morelli and Joering. They did so much for the community and the kids in the community. They were the kids' buddies."

Today the bench is off the playground and in the school's maintenance shop.

It had to be removed after it was defaced with words not fit for children, or any decent person.

"They are very divisive words," said Williams. "And it's a shame that these divisive words were used on an item whose sole purpose is to bring people together."

School officials say it wasn't just this bench that was targeted. There were also graphic images spray-painted on the side of the school building.

A district spokesperson says they've had "several instances of graffiti and vandalism over the summer that is consistent with what was written on this bench."

They say they have "no reason to believe that this bench, the officers, or the message of this bench was targeted."

"Language hurts," said Williams. "And that is a universal emotion. So is loneliness, needing a buddy. It's universal. Some people don't want to admit it- that we don't need each other, but you know what, we do. And kids start learning that when they walk in these doors in kindergarten. And they're going to be walking in tomorrow and learning that. And I'm glad that those words were not there to greet them."

Westerville Police are investigating.

Police Chief Joe Morbitzer tells 10TV: "You look at that bench, you know exactly what it's about, and then to choose to vandalize it anyway…this disgusts me and it's a shame."

The school says the bench will be repaired and returned to the playground.

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