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Preparing your home to protect it from the next blast of winter weather

Preparing for this week's winter storm is on everyone's minds. There are some things you can do before the storm to make sure there are no problems for your home.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Preparing for this week's winter storm is on the minds of many in Ohio, but there are some things you can do before the storm to make sure there are no problems for your home later.

On Tuesday, the beautiful day was just what Nathan DeDino needed to finish preparing his yard and home.

"I came out at lunchtime, and then I came out about a half-hour ago to keep at it,” he said as he was cutting ice with a shovel. "In Columbus when you have some of these warm days, you always take advantage to get all the snow off of everything and get ready to do it all over again,” DeDino said.  

DeDino said he’s used salt on his driveway and has had to patch some of the steps that lead to his front door ahead of this winter.

All these preparations are helping him keep his home safe from the brutally cold weather that could impact his home if he's not proactive. 

10TV spoke with Derick Burnside, the Safety Manager at The Waterworks, about the importance of protecting waterlines from freezing.  

"If you're a last-minute person, you want to make sure you have waterlines protected against freezing,” said Burnside.  

He said if you have a generator, you want to test that before the storm. To prevent pipes from freezing, open the faucets slightly so you get a consistent drip and clean ice and snow away from outdoor appliances.

"If you're new to the house, you'll learn what new things that house may need to have done to be prepared,” Burnside said.

Burnside also said if your pipes freeze, call a professional. He also suggests keeping an emergency kit close by if there is a power outage. Make sure it includes items like flashlights, batteries, nonperishable food and bottled water.

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