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Olentangy Local School District introduces two redistricting scenarios

The Olentangy Local School District redistricting committee introduced two different plans to parents Monday night at the first public forum.

Big changes are coming to the Olentangy School District this year, as its fourth high school is being built.

The Olentangy Local School District redistricting committee introduced two different plans to parents Monday night at the first public forum.

School officials say redistricting is necessary and students will have to move. The chance to weigh in comes now for parents of Olentangy students.

"I feel very upset," parent Bobbi Walentschak said.

The Olentangy Local School District is asking for feedback Monday night after introducing two different scenarios that could move students K-12 from one school to another.

"There's a possibility that we have kids in two different high schools at the same time," parent Roy Slagle said.

Plans for redistricting have been in the works since fall. A 50 person committee mapped out two different options that are up for discussion.

"This may not be what the final result is. It could be a variation of this, it could be a combination of the two or something completely different," co-chair of the redistricting committee Karen Clark said.

Clark says the district will need to shift students into Berlin High School, the district's fourth high school being built to ease overcrowding issues.

At the first of three public forums, some parents left with mixed reactions.

"We're totally fine with one of the plans because we don't move, but again it's tough to separate what we feel about our situation personally versus what makes sense for the overall school district," Slagle said.

Others are upset redistricting could change plans for their kids.

"It's important for me to have them both go to the same high school and have them graduate. It's like a tradition," Walentschak said.

Parents will get their chance to speak up over the next few weeks.

"I'm going to voice concerns through the survey," Walentschak said.

Until then, some families may need a new plan of their own.

"One of the things we're talking about is moving to the other side of Liberty which we didn't really want to do that,"' Walentschak said.

There are two more public forums scheduled before the superintendent will make his decision at the march board meeting:

  • February 6, 2017 - Olentangy High School (7 p.m.)
  • February 13, 2017 - Orange High School (7 p.m.)

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