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'No child deserves to go through this': Mother demands change after son was sexually assaulted in locker room

The Genoa Township Police Department is investigating the Aug. 9 incident.

WESTERVILLE, Ohio — Courtney Mahovlic first went public with her son’s story on Monday at the Westerville Board of Education meeting. She said she is standing up for her 14 year-old son, demanding the district make changes. 

"My son does not deserve this and no other child should have to go through what we have gone through,” Mahovlic said.

Mahovlic said her son, a student-athlete at Westerville Central High School, was knocked to the ground, kicked in a locker room at the school.

According to police, it was also reported he was sexually assaulted by at least one person.

"He's got good days and bad days but he tries to keep his head held up high knowing he did the right thing in speaking up," she said.

The Genoa Township Police Department are investigating the Aug. 9 incident. According to the police report, misdemeanor charges of assault, disorderly conduct, and sexual imposition could be filed against those involved.

"He has so much anger and bitterness,” she said. “Like, ‘why is this boy here when he hurt me? How is that OK?’ And it's not OK. That's one of the things that needs to be changed because there's no repercussion for this boy it's like a slap on the wrist.”

When asked about the course of action, a spokesperson for Westerville City Schools said due to privacy laws they can't share the specific disciplinary measures that were taken and a team of counselors is available for the student and family for support.

Meanwhile, Westerville police recently investigated another incident that happened in a locker room at another school in the district, Heritage Middle School.

According to the police report, on August 24 a student reported having his pants pulled down by another student during a disturbance.

According to Westerville City Schools, those involved were disciplined.

As for Courtney Mahovlic, she said she's speaking up for change, for her son.

"No child deserves to go through this whatsoever,” she said.

At that board of education meeting on Monday, Westerville City Schools superintendent John Kellogg said the last update he got from Genoa police was that the central high school investigation has gone to the prosecutor's desk.

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