COLUMBUS, Ohio — Abortion-rights demonstrators took to the Ohio Statehouse and the streets of downtown Columbus to share their frustrations about the Supreme Court's decision. More than 1,000 demonstrators showed up against Friday’s ruling.
“I'm 51 and I can't believe in my lifetime that they actually overturned Roe v. Wade,” said Kimberly Dixon of Hilliard.
“I was worried about my friends and my family and my child,” said Mary McDonald, Columbus.
“My daughter is of reproductive age and I'm really concerned for her health and safety,” said Tori, Coshocton.
Abortion-rights advocates of all walks of life marched to show their frustration, anger, and hurt at the court's decision.
“Not only are we different walks of life, but there's a lot of diversity overall, not just white women or Black women, but all types of women that need healthcare,” said Mackenzie Safford of Columbus.
But are footsteps and chants enough?
“We hope it's enough, but is it truly going to be enough? We're not sure. We have to keep voting, using our voices and speaking out against politicians,” Safford said.
“We have to not quietly sit back, we need to come out here no matter what it looks like,” Dixon said.