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Married with horses: The pair behind the mounted patrol unit at Ohio State football games

Game day is special to Officers John Shoopman and Regina Shoopman. Working for different departments, it's the one day they get to work side-by-side.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — On game days, more than 100,000 flock to the Shoe to be a part of the atmosphere and catch the Ohio State game. That means a lot of extra patrols and security to make sure all fans stay safe

“We're so visible from up here,” said Columbus Mounted Police Officer John Shoopman.

“We go out from being out with the crowd and being officer-friendly to having to go take care of business and doing what we do,” said Regina Shoopman.

Regina is an Ohio State University Mounted Police officer.

“I started the mounted unit program here in at Ohio State in 2012,” Regina said.

John is a Columbus police officer and joined the Mounted Unit without any experience riding a horse.

“They gave me a green horse — I was green also,” he said.

Regina adding, “Then, he came to my training where I was instructing.”

“That is when I started listening to her," John replied.

Their fairytale all started during that training.

“Every day is a training day. Still training," the couple said, laughing.

Not only are John and Regina partners at work, they are also partners at home.

“I can almost read her mind. Obviously, she can read my mind. We know that,” John said.

The two like to have fun but also take their jobs very seriously.

“Doing the mounted unit thing, you do know what needs to be done. You almost fall into what you have to do if something comes up,” John said.

Game day is special to them. Working for different departments, it's the one day they get to work side-by-side.

“Just the knowledge of being together and doing what needs to be done. It's absolutely a great atmosphere here,” John said.

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