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Marion substitute teacher on unpaid leave after allegedly watching adult videos in school

No students were shown the content, but according to the statement, a few inadvertently saw some activity and immediately reported it to staff.

MARION, Ohio — An Elgin Middle School substitute teacher is now on unpaid leave after school officials said he was caught allegedly watching inappropriate adult content while in the presence of students.

According to a letter sent to parents from Superintendent of Elgin Local Schools Lane Warner, the incident happened on Sept. 26.

The email stated the teacher was watching the content on a personal electronic device as students were working individually. No students were shown the content, but according to the statement, a few inadvertently saw some activity and immediately reported it to staff.

“It's very concerning that someone can be that close to my children, knowing that they had to be fingerprinted they had to have a background check it's scary,” said one mother who wanted to remain anonymous. She has two sons who attend the middle school.

She said her son came home and told her about the incident, and said her son walks past that classroom daily.

The superintendent said any contact with the district or students by the teacher is strictly prohibited.

He said all staff members, even substitute teachers, are fingerprinted and background checked before working in the district.

In a follow-up email sent to parents on Tuesday, the superintendent said this is an active criminal investigation and the Marion County Sheriff’s Office is leading the investigation.

The Sheriff said he couldn’t comment any further because this investigation is still ongoing.

The mother is demanding more transparency from the district to guarantee this never happens again.

"I want him to get charged with something because I don't want him to ever be able to go to any other school again,” she said.

Below are both statements from Sept. 26 and Oct. 3.

Tuesday, Sept. 26:

Dear Elgin Middle School Families,

I am writing to inform you about a matter that was brought to the attention of school administration today concerning reported behavior of a substitute teacher at our middle school. 

Allegedly, the individual staff member was viewing inappropriate adult content on a personal electronic device while in the presence of students. The students were working independently and not directly shown the content, but a few students inadvertently saw some activity and reported it to staff. Administration responded to these allegations immediately and began an internal investigation. The substitute teacher is now on unpaid administrative leave as the investigation is completed, and any contact with the district or students is strictly prohibited. We will always take any breach of professional conduct seriously.

All staff members, including substitute teachers, are fingerprinted and background checked prior to employment with the school district. I assure you that we are doing everything we can to maintain a safe and welcoming environment at Elgin and we will continue to evaluate our hiring and vetting processes to ensure all staff meet high standards of professionalism and character.

Please contact me or your student's building principal if you have questions or concerns.


Lane Warner

Tuesday, Oct. 3:

Dear Elgin Families,

I am writing to follow up on a matter that was brought to the attention of school administration last week concerning reported behavior of a substitute teacher at our middle school. Initial communication was sent to all middle school parents due to the fact that all reports of concern have been limited to a middle school classroom.

Allegedly, the individual staff member was viewing inappropriate content on a personal electronic device while in the presence of students. The students were working independently and not directly shown the content, but a few students inadvertently saw the activity and reported it to staff. Administration responded to these allegations and immediately placed the substitute teacher on unpaid administrative leave, pending a comprehensive internal investigation, and any contact with the district or students by the staff member was strictly prohibited.

At this time the situation has become an active criminal investigation with the Marion County Sheriff’s Department. We are currently and will remain in full compliance with police and legal investigations. Because this is an ongoing investigation, we cannot share any more details at this time.

Professional conduct by staff members will always be expected and any breach of conduct is taken very seriously. All staff members, including substitute teachers, are fingerprinted and background checked prior to employment with the school district. I assure you that we are doing everything we can to maintain a safe and welcoming environment at Elgin and we will continue to evaluate our hiring and vetting processes to ensure all staff meet high standards of professionalism and character.


Mr. Lane Warner

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