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Man marching with Columbus Police Deputy Chief says act showed solidarity

While we have seen some destruction from the protests, we have also seen a lot of touching moments.

While we have seen some destruction from the protests, we have also seen a lot of touching moments.

As curfew came Sunday night, Keith Enoch wanted a conversation with the officers.

“Myself and the assistant chief decided the best way to go about it is to get everybody together in peace and we can walk out of here and we cannot hurt each other,” he explained.

So for 20 minutes, Enoch and Columbus Police Deputy Chief Mike Woods talked.

“The police chief and myself figured if we show some solidarity between the two of us, we can get everybody to follow,” Enoch said.

No bullhorns, tear gas, or bottles being thrown. Just marching, side-by-side.

“Walked with one of the demonstrators, we walked a group out of here. Everything was peaceful. They were happy, we were happy,” Woods said.

A moment between an officer and a man here to protest the actions of another cop. Coming together to listen to each other, learn, and work together. An impactful moment for both.

“I had to wipe the tears away for a minute. You got to try to be tough because everyone was watching. I was kind of doing this,” Enoch said.

A moment of unity between both men, they hope others will follow.

“We appreciate the citizens of Columbus helping and working with us and making downtown safe again,” Woods said.

“It'd be nice if the whole country did that. If the whole country could walk together, side by side with their police force, and the people that are assigned to protect and people they trust their lives with, this would be a wonderful country,” Enoch said.

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