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Major snowfall makes clearing of Columbus residential streets a difficult task

Columbus Mayor Andrew Ginther says if the city has another winter weather event, the streets that have already been cleared will need to be cleared again.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — About 24 hours after a winter storm that brought several inches of snow to Columbus, Mayor Andrew Ginther says crews are now starting to clear Priority 2 streets.

Ginther was riding along with a snow crew Tuesday and says there are three priority levels for treating roads: Priority 1 is major roadways, Priority 2 is entrances to residential areas. Priority 3 is residential neighborhoods.

According to Ginther, it could take through the weekend to get through the Priority 3 streets. However, Columbus could see more winter weather this week, which may bring the city back to square one.

“Every time there's a snow event we have to start with the priority ones, the major thoroughfares, particularly around hospitals, schools, places of business, those are always the ones we start with,” Ginther said. 

If you are looking to see real time updates of which streets have been plowed, you can follow the Columbus Warrior Watch page.

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