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Jerry Revish signs off at 10TV: A look back at a career in journalism spanning 4 decades

He will anchor his last newscast at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26.

COLUMBUS, Ohio Jerry Revish has retired from his career in journalism, spanning more than four decades.

His last newscast behind the anchor desk was Tuesday, Nov. 26.

Jerry Revish's last newscast | Nov. 26, 2019 (WBNS-10TV)

“I’ve had the blessing and pleasure of working for the best locally-owned television station in America. The Wolfe family set a standard of excellence and integrity since WBNS-10TV went on the air in 1949. My career in journalism has afforded me the opportunity to help write the first drafts of history for 45 years,” Jerry said when announcing his retirement plans earlier this year. “Big local stories are burned into my memory. I’ll always remember covering the Columbus Public Schools Desegregation case from the trial in Columbus Federal Court, to the day the buses rolled to transport thousands of students to schools across the city.”​

PHOTOS: Jerry Revish

His reporting skills have taken him around the world. He was the first Columbus TV reporter to go to Saudi Arabia to cover the Persian Gulf War. He has reported from Haiti, Barbados, South Africa, Bosnia, Bahrain, Cuba and Japan. Major stories he covered include national political conventions, Ohio State University bowl games, the dedication of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall, the Lucasville State Prison Riot, the September 11th terrorist attack and interviewing President Barack Obama.

“I’m grateful and humbled by the opportunities that have come my way. Even though I’m closing this chapter of my life, I believe my future is full of endless possibility,” Jerry said.

He will continue to pastor Unity Temple Church of God in Christ, which he founded eight years ago with his wife Danielle. They will celebrate their 45th anniversary this year.

Leading up to his retirement, Jerry was able to share some of his favorite stories he has covered at 10TV. You can check them out below:

"Farewell Jerry" | Here's what the staff at WBNS had to say about their friend and colleague:

I have mixed feelings about Jerry leaving. I’m extremely happy for him. He deserves to enjoy life and spend time doing what he wants to do. On the other hand, I’m sad to see him go. I will miss him. I’m grateful for the time I’ve worked with him. Jerry is a class act. Love that guy!

- 10TV Anchor Yolanda Harris

It is truly the end of an era. I am so thankful for my time with Jerry... (Nearly 39 years). He is kind and caring and the ultimate professional. Jerry made us all better!!! I wish him nothing but happiness in retirement. What an incredible run this has been. God Bless you Jerry and thank you for your leadership and your friendship. Enjoy your family time... you have earned it. 💜💜💜

- 10TV Sports Anchor Dom Tiberi

At WBNS, Jerry Revish has carried the station with such great stewardship. Every ship needs a good captain. But he's also been the compass and rudder that guided us through 40+ years of great journalism. My favorite time of day would be that "witching hour" between 12 and 2 pm. If we saw each other in person, you knew either I was working late or Jerry was coming in early. But Jerry would always take the time to give me a hug, a smile, and a chuckle about one of us working more hours than we should. LOVE YOU JER!

- 10TV Anchor Angela An

There’s little question we will all miss Jerry’s presence in our newsroom but I will really miss his quiet wit. Part of the fun of working with him is his ‘commentary’ of the news. You can best believe it’s all off the record. 😊

- 10TV Anchor Tracy Townsend

Everyone needs a Jerry Revish in their life. For the five years I’ve been at 10TV, I’ve noticed how Jerry’s leadership in the newsroom reaches beyond his years of experience or his demanding presence on set. It’s his smile. It’s his positive attitude. It’s his humility and his character that I’ve admired. And, that’s what I’ll miss. That…and his amazing suits. Love ya, Jerry!

- 10TV Reporter Bryant Somerville

As a new reporter, I never expected the first person to make me feel truly welcome would be the legend himself – Mr. Jerry Revish. Jerry exudes compassion not only on the air, but in daily interactions. It doesn’t matter if you are the low man on the totem pole or upper management, Jerry treats everyone equally. He is quick to give a compliment when it is deserved, always good for a smile, and takes interest in every member of the team. The world needs more people like Jerry Revish. Until then, I feel lucky to know just one.

- 10TV Reporter Angela Reighard​

What can you say about a man whose name is synonymous with Central Ohio? I will always remember Jerry supporting me at an Arthritis Foundation event before I was even allowed to say I was coming to 10TV.

The man makes it look effortless. A true gentleman with a kind spirit, who uses his gift to find the common thread that connects us all. And he’ll continue to do that long after TV. What an incredible legacy. It’s an honor to call him my friend.

- 10TV Anchor Pete Scalia

The name Jerry Revish is synonymous with “trust.” A trust he’s built and earned over 45 years of grace, class and credibility. Central Ohio is better for it, and so are all of us who’ve had the pleasure of working with him.

- 10TV Reporter Glenn McEntyre​​

Growing up here in central Ohio, Jerry has been my source for local news from the time I was old enough to watch, and to be honest, even before. As such, he’s also been a lifelong inspiration. Jerry’s strengths in reporting combined with his genuine and warm personality, truly make him one of a kind and a light in the newsroom. To say I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to call Jerry a colleague is an understatement. Thank you for everything you’ve given 10TV and our community! You’ll be missed. I wish you nothing but the best in your next adventure.

- 10TV Reporter Molly Brewer

I started at Channel 10 in 1999 and my first story was a live shot. When I returned to the station there was a Newsroom meeting and as I turned the corner into the meeting I saw Jerry who gave me a thumbs up. I will never forget that moment it gave me a tremendous amount of confidence.

- 10TV Reporter Kevin Landers

When I first walked into WBNS - 10TV two years ago as an intern, Jerry was one of my biggest supporters. While interning, he would go out of his way to answer my questions and do what he could to help me grow as a reporter while making me feel at ease being in a new newsroom. Fast forward to now, as his coworker, nothing has changed. Jerry is one of the most genuine people you will ever meet. His talent, hard work and kindness is admirable. It’s also a plus that we’re both from the same city! Even if our time working together was short, I’m honored to say I got the chance to be work alongside Jerry Revish.

- 10TV Reporter Stephanie Stanavich

Jerry IS Columbus television. He has always been there, for both viewers and his co-workers. It is rare to find someone who has been such a constant, reassuring presence. You could count on him to deliver a story in the best of circumstances and the worst. He will be missed by viewers for years to come and by his co-workers even longer. It was the greatest of honors to go from calling him a mentor and inspiration to a co-worker.

- 10TV Reporter Brittany Bailey

Before You Leave, Check This Out