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Issue 1 passes, paves way to redraw congressional districts in Ohio

Ohio voters have overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment that will change the way the battleground state draws congressional districts.

Ohio voters have overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment that will change the way the battleground state draws congressional districts.

Issue 1 on state ballots Tuesday had support from both Democrats and Republicans and faced virtually no organized opposition.

The proposal was modeled after new map-making rules for Ohio legislative districts that voters strongly supported in 2016.

The latest proposal aims to curb gerrymandering, the partisan manipulation of political boundaries that's seen as a cause of partisanship, gridlock and incivility in Washington.

The amendment limits how counties are split into multiple districts and requires more support from the minority party to put a 10-year map in place.

If lawmakers can't agree, an existing bipartisan commission will take over. If that fails, the majority party can pass a shorter-term map.

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