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Newly hired interim Buckeye Lake fire chief was fired by department last year

Mayor Linda Goodman hired Jerry Brooks and said she has been pleased with the job he has done as interim chief. She is considering him for the full-time position.

BUCKEYE LAKE, Ohio — The lights were off and no one was home when 10TV cameras stopped by the Village of Buckeye Lake Fire Department on Sept. 4.

That was days after the fire chief and several others quit the department. This left days with no one to work at the fire station, relying on other departments. Since then, the mayor has appointed an interim chief.

Jerry Brooks was hired as interim chief in early September. He was brought back after being fired from the department in June 2023.

“I was dismissed unfairly. I contested it and that is where we were at coming back,” said Brooks.

Since then, 10TV has received Brooks's personnel files from Buckeye Lake, the Columbus Division of Fire and the Madison Township Fire Department.

“I've told Jerry when he came on he would be 90 days in the interim position. We are going to take our time and do a thorough job and give him an opportunity to do his job,” said Buckeye Lake Mayor Linda Goodman.

Brooks was let go from Buckeye Lake Fire Department on June 22, 2023, for not completing his probationary/new hire book. In a letter to Brooks, then-Chief Keisha Amspagh, also said his probationary period was extended because of his lack of confidence in many day-to-day tasks.

In searching through his personnel file, 10TV found two letters from female firefighters from June 19, 2023, three days before he was terminated. The letters stated they refused to work with Brooks because they were uncomfortable working with him because of comments he had made about women. Those allegations were not investigated.

10TV’s Lacey Crisp asked Mayor Goodman if she was concerned about those allegations. 

"I'm not at this time. Of course, that is something we always watch and keep an eye on," Goodman said.

Goodman hired Brooks and said she has been pleased with the job he has done as interim chief. She is considering him for the full-time chief position. 

Three others have also applied for the job, which Buckeye Lake is working on making a full-time position for the first time in the village's history.

“I definitely want the full-time chief. I'd like to have two captains. It will be up to Jerry if he wants to add a Lieutenant position,” Goodman said.

Brooks worked for the Columbus Division of Fire from 1988 until he retired in May of 2021.

During that time he was awarded several certificates for outstanding service.

He was disciplined in 2000 after he called in sick, but it was later determined he was being held in jail after being arrested. 

He never notified the command staff of that arrest and those charges have since been dropped.

Throughout his tenure, he was written up several times for being late to work.

In 2008, he was written up for calling in sick but was found working at his part-time job at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.

Goodman said she hasn’t made a decision on who she will hire for the permanent job.

“It is too early to say. He is doing a nice job. I'm happy and I know council is happy," she said.

10TV reached out to Brooks for an interview and saw him outside the fire department, but he did not grant us an interview.

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