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'It feels like a blessing:' Franklinton Prep seniors beat odds to graduate

Franklinton Prep High School serves students ages 15-21 who weren't successful in traditional high schools.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — About 60 students are expected to graduate from Franklinton Prep High School on Friday, and many of them faced challenges on their way to crossing the stage.

"I believed in myself, and I got it done," said Antowne Craig, a graduating senior. "I felt like I wasn't going to make it, but Ms. Jenkins told me to close my eyes and tell myself that I could do this."

Antowne, 17, will graduate alongside his twin brother Anthony and older sister Aaliyah, 19, who was diagnosed with lupus in April. 

"Lots of our students have gone through some sort of trauma in their lives, and they oftentimes need a second chance to get their high school diploma," said Jeff Waechter, director of Franklinton Prep.

The school enrolls 15- to 21-year-old students, and they take two classes at a time. They can also enroll in career tech programs for health care, construction, and business. 

"This allows those of them who have families of their own and may be the sole breadwinner household working full time to have the flexibility they need to complete a high school diploma program," Waechter said. 

Antowne said the non-traditional structure makes all the difference and finding out he could walk on Friday was pure joy.

"It feels like a blessing, like a real blessing," he said.

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