The word FOMO -- short for the "fear of missing out" -- was officially added to the dictionary a few years ago. Its definition is "a feeling of anxiety or insecurity over the possibility of missing out on something, as an event or an opportunity."
In the digital age, FOMO can lead to constantly checking social media to see what your friends are doing, and that can have a negative effect on your mental health.
So how can you overcome FOMO? Ohio State University associate professor Dr. Maryanna Klatt suggests embracing "JOMO" -- or the "joy of missing out."
"There is some joy from saying 'no' to things," says Dr. Klatt. She adds that social media "can often lead to isolation for people, because they feel like everybody else is having a great time."
Dr. Klatt says some people might feel like their life moments "aren't as good" as what they're seeing online. "There are no posts about Sunday night blues," says Dr. Klatt. "It is all about the highlight reel of our lives."
Dr. Klatt says that by intentionally saying "no" to certain things, you're saying "yes" to better mental health.
"The joy of missing out is saying, nah, I'm going to step away from this. I'm going to stay home with my family, do something else, and not be tempted to do it." Dr. Klatt says "the thing that people experiment with saying no to is going to a party, or going out. So what they learn from that is the ability to be with themselves, and have it be okay."
Dr. Klatt says being okay with being alone -- and being off of social media -- can help with the isolation some people might feel by "missing out."
"It's learning that we have the choice," she says. "People don't view it as a choice that they don't look at their phone."
Dr. Klatt teaches a class on mindfulness at The Ohio State University. Click here to read more of her work.