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Downtown Columbus brings free live music to the city

Every Thursday, Columbus Commons hosts the Food Truck Food Court with trucks from all over central Ohio taking part.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Downtown Columbus, Inc. has filled the heart of the city with many free opportunities to experience local and live music. Buskers and free concerts have been taking place at Columbus Commons, the Scioto Mile and along Gay Street and will continue throughout August. 

"Since Columbus Commons opened, we have made it a priority to support our local musicians in this community any chance we can get," said Ashley Myers, director of the Commons. 

Every Thursday, Columbus Commons hosts the Food Truck Food Court with trucks from all over central Ohio taking part as well as live local musicians who perform in a wide variety of musical genres. 

One of the musicians who has performed at those events is Lily Bloom, harpist and singer with her group Lily Bloom Band. 

"To be able to play music downtown and interact with all the different people that come down here is so great," said Bloom. "The Commons is such a perfect stage just because all of their programming is free and open to the public which, I think, is so important and such a heart of any city."

Featured at one of the free evening concerts earlier in August, Bloom enjoyed performing in a space that allows people to wander in and discover the music. 

"I'm a little biased, but I think music is the most incredible way to unite people," said Bloom. "When you go to public concerts where there is no barrier to entry, there's such a diverse range of audiences. I think that's when you feel community and when you feel, like, pride in your city. I think it's really cool that the Commons is doing that and continues to be at the forefront of that."

For a list of upcoming events in the Columbus Commons "Free - Local + Live Concert Series" visit: https://columbuscommons.org/events/concerts/.

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