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Columbus Zoo utilizing various methods to help keep animals cool during heat wave

The zoo said each animal's habitat is designed specifically to meet their needs based on the environments that they are accustomed to.

POWELL, Ohio — With a heat wave moving through central Ohio this week, there are plenty of precautions to take in order to keep yourself safe. But humans aren't the only ones dealing with the heat.

Staff at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium are doing what they can this week to ensure that all of their animals are safe and healthy in these sweltering temperatures. 

The zoo said each animal's habitat is designed specifically to meet their needs based on the environments that they are accustomed to. Zookeepers are also doing their part to make sure the animals have ways to cool down.

 "An elephant has a clean mud hole to play in, they have water, we set up mister systems some animals have access to temperature controlled inside buildings that at this point in the year they have the choice to go in and out of," said Adam Felts, senior curator of animal care.

One of those cooling opportunities for red pandas is an air conditioned box inside their exhibit.

Felts said that with this extreme heat wave, the animals continue to be resilient.

"Giving them the options and providing them all of the things that they need, whether they are a hot climate animal or a cool climate animal, we provide them what they need and they acclimate very well," Felts said.

He said it's surprising to see the choices that some of the animals make in the heat, such as the red pandas going high up into their trees rather than into their air-conditioned box.

When it comes to taking care of the visitors at the zoo this week, there are various ways to stay cool including air-conditioned indoor spaces, misting stations and staff around the grounds ensuring that everyone is well hydrated.


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