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Columbus fire chief accused of sexual harassment resigns, "feel awful"

Multiple women from the fire department accuse Joe Richard of sexual harassment.

COLUMBUS, Ohio - A top Columbus fire official accused of sexual harassment has resigned.

Battalion Chief Joe Richard is under internal and criminal investigation, based on allegations by several female employees at the Columbus Division of Fire.

In his two-line resignation letter, Battalion Chief Joe Richard says "I have decided to retire effective November 4th. I want to wish the division and the entire department my best going forward."

Reached by phone Monday, Richard's attorney says the accusations against him are a big factor in his decision.

"I mean the fact that he's been there 35 years, he has no history of it, there have been no prior complaints, he's had a stellar record. And this obviously is a blemish on that record, and he said you know what? I'm gonna move on," said attorney Larry James.

Glenn McEntyre: "How does he explain the fact that there are multiple women making these accusations? We've heard as many as 6."Larry James: "I don't have an answer to that. We went through some of the same things in the Duke lacrosse case a few years back. It's hard to say, until you get in, again, I haven't seen the allegations or the substance, how complete the allegations are."

In written complaints obtained by 10TV, three women detail encounters with Richard they say left them feeling harassed, embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Columbus Police are investigating one incident to determine whether Richard committed a crime, something he denies.

Larry James: "In today's world, on any given day, between any two people, how they see or how they take an exchange may be offensive to someone. And from that standpoint, if there were some things said that people took the wrong way, I think the chief says, I'm sorry for that. I apologize for that."
Glenn McEntyre: "Has he acknowledged anything along those lines, of maybe I did cross a line, I didn't mean it that way?"
Larry James: "Until you know who it is that's making the complaint, until you put it in context, you really can't assess it."

"He feels awful," James continued. "I mean no one wants to go out this way. No one wants to face these type of allegations. And hopefully in time, people will figure out exactly what did happen."

City officials tell 10TV Richard's retirement has zero impact on the investigations of the allegations against him.

Both the criminal and internal investigations will go forward.

You can read more on the complaints against Richard.


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