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Columbus 19-year-old to graduate with law degree from Capital University

At 19, Danya Hamad is getting ready to receive her Juris Doctor degree. This, on top of her associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.

She doesn’t think her situation is special. Or, her accomplishments.

Danya Hamad, 19, says she’s like many other 19-year-olds.

Except for when she was 15 she graduated with her associate’s degree from Columbus State, which was two weeks before she graduated from high school. 

At 17, she graduated with her bachelor’s in international studies from Capital University and then went on to get her master’s degree.

This Sunday, she will be receiving her Juris Doctorate to become one of the youngest lawyers in the country.

“My plan was to just take as many college courses as I could take before the end of the four years of high school,” she said.

That plan, thanks to the College Credit Plus program, catapulted her education.

Credit: Danya Hamad

“I never really set out when I started my college journey to be the youngest of anything or to be so successful at a young age,” she said. “It was more so the state was paying for my college courses so why not keep trying and see how far it can take me.”

In July she’ll take the bar exam. After that, she looks to begin her career.

“There’s something that I could help do and it was something I was very passionate about,” she said.

She’s hoping to practice in international human rights law to help fight against injustices.

“It was never about becoming the youngest,” she said. “It was more about helping people and being a voice for those who are oppressed and somewhat forgotten.”

Her situation and her accomplishments are very special. But what she wants you to know is that yours can be, too.

“You can accomplish your goals and achieve your dreams if you put in the hard work,” she said.

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