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Civilian Police Review Board votes to remove member after online anti-police rhetoric

It’s now up to Mayor Andrew Ginther to remove Gambit Aragon from the board.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — It was a heated room Monday night as the Civilian Police Review Board held a meeting to address the controversy surrounding one member: Gambit Aragon and his social media posts and involvement against Columbus police that led to a vote to remove him from the board.

Board Chair Janet Jackson said Aragon was involved in a negative commentary of Columbus police regarding the Holi-Drag Story Time event earlier this month, which later led to anti-police rhetoric on social media.

"The board was not aware of the anti-CPD statements having been made,” Jackson said. "He did not disclose to the board that he had been personally involved as a member of the safety and security team for the event.

Jackson said Aragon requested the board to seek out an investigation into allegations against the police at these events but did not disclose his connections to them, compromising his unbiased position as a board member. Aragon also posted anti-police statements on Facebook and Twitter stating CPD, City Council and The Mayor’s Office did not care about these communities.

"I don't care about decorum, convention or pretention when human lives are at stake,” said Aragon."I will hold the line down for our younger Americans. Like them, I stand against white supremacy and its fascist principles. I'm the type of person that believes right is right, and that's a full stop."

However, multiple board members express their concerns about Aragon’s public position.

“We have to treat the Columbus police department the same as we do anyone else,” says board member Mary Younger.

Meanwhile, another board member Kyle Strickland said he believes there need to be clear policies in place surrounding social media commentary.

“We haven't even talked to Aragon as a board as a collective,” said Strickland.

Aragon told 10TV he does not regret his online rhetoric and does not believe his anti-police statements warranted his removal.

"There should have been room on this board for both a pro-cop energy and also an anti-cop energy,” said Aragon, who shared that he believed the Board’s decision sends a poor message to marginalized communities.

“It basically says that our voice is not valid, that we are not going to be listened to, that our problems as poor, Brown, Black people in this town don't matter,” said Aragon.

It’s now up to Mayor Andrew Ginther to remove him. Mayor Ginther’s Office shared the following statement with 10TV:

“Members of the Civilian Police Review Board must remain objective and set aside any personal bias. The Board voted today to remove Gambit Aragon. Mayor Ginther will follow their recommendation and will work with City Council to replace him with another member of the community committed to police oversight without prejudice.”

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