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City of Hilliard hires first full-time victim advocate

Cindi Newsome has just been hired on by the City of Hilliard full-time to ensure victims have a guiding hand through the process.

HILLIARD, Ohio — The stories of suspects or the crimes they're accused of committing are often told, but the victim's stories and the struggles they experienced are not.

“One of my prosecutors calls me a victim whisperer. I understand trauma. I have done a lot of trauma training,” said Cindi Newsome.

Imagine being the victim of a crime, suffering the stress and trauma, then having to navigate your way through the justice system. It can be inundating and intimidating.

Newsome is a victim advocate, and has just been hired on by the City of Hilliard full-time to ensure victims have a guiding hand through the process.

“To people who had no idea, if you have never been involved in the criminal justice system as a victim, you have never been a victim, never been through that trauma, you wouldn't understand how important ensuring those rights for someone is,” said Dawn Steele, staff attorney for Hilliard’s law department.

While Hilliard doesn't have a large case-load, they are joined by nine other cities on a contractual basis to have Newsome work with victims. Under Marsy’s Law, it is now required to have an advocate.

“Everybody wanted to, but you always have budget needs and how do you pay for it,” Steele said.

Steele said Newsome will help provide services even before there is a criminal case.

“It is such an important role in working with the police department, the more that we could do to help people, provide resources to victims, to help support them and end the cycle of violence,” Steele said.

Newsome is excited for the new role and is looking forward to those she can help.

“It's a lot for victims to deal with. My job is to give them the information, help them make the best plan, but ultimately the decisions are theirs,” Newsome said.

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