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Cameras were not in Franklin Park where 15-year-old girl was fatally shot

In June, Columbus City Council approved funding for 25 cameras throughout city parks.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Just this year, 10TV has covered violence in at least seven public places, including Nafzger Park, Westgate Park, Saunders Park, and at Weinland Park. On Monday, Franklin Park was added to that list.

“We're going to do whatever it takes to make sure this community feels safe,” said Council Member Emmanuel Remy, Chair of the Public Safety Committee.

In June, Columbus City Council approved funding for 25 cameras throughout city parks.

Lovely Kendricks, 15, was shot and killed on Monday in Franklin Park. The park was not included in the city’s efforts to add more cameras and lights because the city says it wasn't seen as a problem.

“They are dispersed around town based on data, so they looked at where the parks there were significant issues with crime and that's where they place the cameras,” Remy said.

The cameras are mobile and Remy said they have been moved throughout the summer. The city is working towards a "master plan" for permanently installed cameras in the parks.

 “We'll work closely with the division of police, our chief of police and Assistant Chief Potts to figure out what the next steps are in this process to make sure everybody feel safe,” said Council Member Remy.

 Mayor Andrew Ginther also said he wants to continue with safety efforts. He sent 10TV a statement saying in part "we will continue to fight crime locally by putting more officers on the street, investing in cameras and other technology and offering a variety of programs to engage our young people."

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