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Board of Trustees recommends terminating long-time Ohio State business school professor

Professor Deborah Mitchell served as Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing and Logistics.

A professor at the Ohio State Fisher School of Business is being terminated after 17 years at the university.

The Ohio State Board of Trustees made the recommendation during its board meeting Thursday.

An investigation that began in January 2017 found that Deborah Mitchell, who serves as a Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing and Logistics, committed " grave misconduct."

The findings, according to multiple university investigators, says Mitchell steered a $1.6 million contract with the Ohio Department of Medicaid to her private company called Cypress Tree Corporation.

The University found her actions violated the Faculty Conflict of Commitment, Faculty Financial Conflict of Interest, and No Solicitations Clause.

"This is a serious manner faculty members have an obligation to disclose potential conflicts of interest the evidence shows that professor Mitchell did not take the necessary steps in this case and instead entered into a significant contract with her private business," said Dr. Bruce A. McPheron, Executive VP/Provost Ohio State University.

Professor Mitchell says she was offered a chance to resign but chose not to. Writing to the board in her appeal that she is not guilty.

She accuses the university of lying and says "three esteemed professors with extensive expertise in the matter, including her department chairman signed written declarations and testified in person that she is innocent of the allegations made against her in the complaint."

The board is expected to vote Friday on her termination.

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