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12th Congressional District race in dead heat as candidates make final push

Democrat Danny O'Connor is facing Republican Troy Balderson in the fight to replace Pat Tiberi, who retired earlier this year.

Polls show a dead heat in Tuesday's special election for Ohio's 12th Congressional District.

Democrat Danny O'Connor is facing Republican Troy Balderson in the fight to replace Pat Tiberi, who retired earlier this year.

Tuesday's special election is for those in District 12. It covers all of Delaware, Licking and Morrow counties and parts of Franklin, Marion, Muskingum and Richland counties. To check if you live in this district, click here.

Fresh from his onstage appearance next to President Trump Saturday, Monday afternoon Troy Balderson thanked his campaign volunteers in Westerville.

"This district is really motivated from the president making his appearance here Saturday night," Balderson said. "We're very humbled and honored that he was able to be here and he was able to be here. Had a great turnout, and everywhere we go, highly motivated."

Between phone calls with voters, he acknowledged polls showing his race in a dead heat.

"We started this campaign in December. And we have been working relentlessly ever since. so I feel good about it. I feel positive, and we're going to bring it to the finish line. But yes it is definitely tight."

He says visits from the Vice President and President in this final week have moved the needle in his favor.

"It's brought so much enthusiasm out. To have both the Vice President of the United States and the President of the United States here within 6 days of each other, it's just huge."

Danny O'Connor, on the other hand, has had no big-name Democrats visit, and he says that's fine by him.

"It's much better to be out there in the community crisscrossing the district like I have than to have people fly in from Washington, D.C., be here for a few hours and then leave," O'Connor said. "These are folks who aren't invested in our community. They don't drive on our roads, their kids don't goto our schools. They're not dealing with the public health crisis like we have on opioids."

O'Connor has made a competitive race in a district drawn by Republicans for Republicans, who've held the seat since the early 1980's.

Glenn McEntyre: "What do you say to folks who feel that the Democratic Party is not in touch and connected with the Ohio 12 voters?"
Danny O'Connor: "I say come talk to me. I'll talk to you about anything. I'll go anywhere. My fiancee is a Republican. So you know I can work across the aisle. But it's important that we have conversations with folks no matter where they come from. No matter what their background is, no matter what zip code they grew up in."
As he lunched in Newark Monday, 10tv spoke with diners about Tuesday's electoral menu.

Steve Crothers calls himself an independent voter.

"I think it's probably more critical now than ever. And I hate to say it but i'm voting to do whatever I can to stop the Trump machine."

He and his wife Connie are voting O'Connor.

"Balderson I really don't have a problem with him, but I'll definitely vote Democrat," she said.

Asked the number one issue driving her vote, she said, "I'm disappointed in our presidency. I'm not proud of president anymore."

Ed Parker says the President is not a factor in his vote.

"I typically vote Republican. And in this particular situation, I'm gonna stay there. I like Troy's attitude about going against Trump sometimes."

Konrad Morris says he's independent and undecided.

"We want to find the best person for the job, whether guy, girl, whoever it is, and see how they relate to what's going on in our local communities, how responsive they'll be, and how forward-thinking they are."

Polls open Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. and stay open until 7:30 p.m...

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