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Internal Investigation Clears Chillicothe Police Of Brutality Charges After Injuries To Inmate

An internal investigation within the Chillicothe Police Department has cleared an officer of brutality after inmate Matt Mitchell was thrown to the ground while handcuffed in April.

An internal investigation within the Chillicothe Police Department has cleared an officer of brutality after inmate Matt Mitchell was thrown to the ground while handcuffed in April.

Mitchell was arrested after an officer says he found the man apparently drunk and urinating on a downtown building.

Mitchell says he was being booked inside the Ross County Jail when he lost his footing and ended up on all fours.

"And I heard them- they thought I was doing something, reach down to my socks or something,” Mitchell said. “They said ‘lay down on the ground now!’ I said ‘okay, that's where I'm going’ then. And I looked over to see who said it to me, and the next think I know, just boom. I got hit, right here in the side of my face by something. I don't know what it was."

The investigation revealed that “no probable cause existed for a criminal complaint against Officer Chris Dubay” and “no excessive force or violation of policy existed during the incident.”

However the investigation found Officer Dubay used “violent, profane or insolent language” during the arrest.  Dubay will receive a written reprimand for the violation.  

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