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Indictment: Somali Gangs Ran Sex Ring In Ohio

At least one Columbus man is indicted in connection with a sex trafficking operation spanning three states. Get the details.

Twenty-nine people were indicted on Monday in a sex trafficking ring spanning three states andallegedly run by Minneapolis-based Somaligangs.        

An indictment unsealed in U.S. District Court in Nashville said that one of the goals of thegangs was to recruit females under age 18, including some under age 14, and force them intoprostitution in exchange for cash, drugs or otheritems.        

The indictment said that the sex ring operated in Minneapolis, Nashville, andColumbus. 

At least one Columbus man was among those indicted, 10TV's Tanisha Mallett reported.

Abdifatah Bashir Jama was among those indicted. Jama goes by the street names "Cash Money" and"Ohio."

Columbus court records showed that Jama's last known address is an Eastview Court apartment onthe west side.

The indictment outlines several instances of prostitution. In one case in 2005, a girl under age14 was transported from Minneapolis to Columbus and Nashville for sex. In other cases, the girlswere forced to engage in sex acts in hotel rooms, men's bathrooms and other locations.

"Specifically, the indictment alleges that Jane Doe 1 was brought to Nashville in or aboutDecember 2005,  where she, along with other underage girls, was prostituted for approximatelytwo weeks," said U.S. Attorney Jerry Martin. "At the time, Jane Doe 1 was less than14-years-old.

A federal grand jury found the alleged traffickers operated out of three alleged gangs; theSomali Outlaws, the Somali Mafia and the Lady Outlaws, all based out of Minneapolis, Mallettreported.  

A spokesman from the Somali Community Association said as far as he knows, no young girls fromcentral Ohio were among those involved, but said the group will continue to look into thematter. 

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