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Gift Catalogue Reveals Explicit Images

Consumer 10's Kurt Ludlow says a family received a gift catalogue in its mailbox containing sexually explicit images. Get details.

A family received a shock when a catalogue wound up at its home containing images that parentsdid not want their children to see.

Anne Marie Kovach was not happy when her 13-year-old daughter brought the mail into the houserecently.

The new Carol Wright Gifts catalog contained four pages of ads for adult sex toys, sexual aidsand DVDs, Consumer10's Kurt Ludlow reported.

"I was just mortified. I mean, this is not something that I as a parent should have to beconcerned about when my child goes to the mailbox and brings back the mail and is exposed tosomething like this," Kovach said.

The U.S. Postal Service has rules for companies sending sexually oriented advertisements thatdepict sex acts and body parts.

For example, envelopes must contain the words "sexually oriented advertisement," Ludlowreported.

But there is an exception for ads that make up just a small portion of a publication.

In this case, four pages of sexually oriented ads in a 64 page catalog do not require anynotice.

A spokeswoman for Carol Wright Gifts had no comment Tuesday.

There is nothing illegal about the company sending the catalogue. since it is not consideredsexually oriented.

If you want to be removed from any catalog mailing list, just call the company and ask them toremove your address -- not your name -- from their mailing lists.  Be sure they also take youraddress off lists belonging to any sister companies,  Ludlow reported.

Also, the Postal Service has a form you can fill out to stop company from sending you mail thatis sexual in nature.

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