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Former Bailiff Releases New Texts After Claiming Judge Sexually Harassed Her

The former Franklin County employee talked exclusively with 10TV on Monday.

A former bailiff to Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Tim Horton claims she was sexually harassed.

Elise Wyant talked to 10TV on Monday. She also released more text exchanges and recorded conversations between her and the judge. 

“He didn't respect me as a woman, as an employee,” Wyant told 10TV’s Karina Nova.

Wyant says dozens of texts and audio recordings prove the harassment she endured while working for Horton, her former boss.

“He was sitting right next to his wife. He said you look absolutely sensational,” claims Wyant.

The phone number, confirmed by 10TV, shows the conversations between Wyant and Horton during work and after work hours.

“That he wanted to sleep with me, wanted to see me naked, things like that - and it happened multiple times a week.”

Wyant also claims Horton was physical at the office. 

“A couple times he did try to grab at me and pull at me. He pulled at my skirt and pulled it out, my elastic waistband.”

Weeks before quitting her job as a bailiff, Wyant recorded their conversations to protect herself and her job.  She also claims that texts and emails show Horton asked her to work on his campaign during work hours. 

“He was asking for me to call his campaign finance manager, to cut a check for an event. He asked me at 8:38 in the morning.”

Since her resignation and reporting Horton to Human Resources, the Common Pleas Court investigated the incident and released a new policy. But Wyant says that's not enough. She wants this to go to the Supreme Court. 

“Now I want my name cleared as being a liar. That he has said denying everything.”

10TV did speak with Judge Horton on the phone. He says he stands by his statement- denying any wrong doing, and the internal investigation done by the Common Pleas Court.

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