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FBI Investigates Possibility 'Church Lady Bandit' Was Captured

ONLY ON 10: A woman accused in two bank robberies could be behind a string of holdups dating to 2006, but the FBI said it is too early to tell. Get the latest.
A woman accused in two bank robberies remained in jail on Tuesday, but investigators would not saywhether she is the so-called "Church Lady Bandit," a woman believed to be responsible for a robberyspree dating back to 2006.

Sylvete Gilbert was arrested on Thursday after allegedly robbing a Fifth Third bankdowntown. She was taken back into custody on Monday night, accused of holding up a U.S. Bank insidethe Ohio Union in October, 10TV's Jason Frazer reported.

One of Gilbert's former bosses said she could not believe the accusations.

"It is really shocking," said Aran Carr. "Ever since we heard about this, we've allbeen trying to pull together the information we knew about her. When it came down to it, no one inthe office knew anything about her."

Carr said that Gilbert, 46, worked part-time for nearly a year at the StrategicResearch Group, a public polling firm.

SLIDESHOWS: Fifth Third Robbery | Hotel Robbery Images  |  Church Lady Robberies | SPECIAL SECTION:  CrimeTracker 10

"She dressed very nicely, always looked nice, had nice makeup, nice shoes,jewelry," Carr said. "You spend every day with somebody and then they're somebody completelydifferent."

The FBI said it was waiting on several witnesses to review surveillance photosof the robberies and photos of Gilbert.
In each of the robberies, a woman covered her face and showed the bank teller a notedemanding money, Frazer reported.

"Right from the beginning we were able to see some common things that wereoccurring in these robberies," said FBI agent Harry Trombitas. "You see how they've carriedthemselves, the things they say, the things they write."

Police said that Gilbert admitted to robbing the Fifth Third bank, located at155 Nationwide Blvd., on Thursday.

Ohio State University police said after Gilbert was arrested they wanted toquestion her in connection with the Oct. 20 robbery in the Ohio Union.

"After Columbus police arrested her in a bank robbery in the Arena District, wewere able to piece together some information that led us to believe she committed ourrobbery," said Ohio State police Lt. Rick Green.

Gilbert is no stranger to the legal system, 10 Investigates' Paul Akerreported.

In 2008, she worked for American Electric Power and court records showedthat she was convicted of a felony while working there.  Prosecutors said she used an AEPcredit card to charge about $2,500 worth of personal purchases.

Gilbert's Westerville home faced foreclosure and her car wasrecently repossessed, Aker reported.

Gilbert's live-in boyfriend said that if she robbed the Fifth Third bank, she madea mistake. He said he does not believe she is the Church Lady Bandit.

Although investigators have not dubbed Gilbert the Church Lady Bandit, they saidthey are confident that she is behind at least two robberies.

"You want to make sure you have all of your evidence together and that you'reconfident," Trombitas said. "We don't want to go after the wrong person."

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Previous Stories:

December 27, 2010: Woman Questioned In 'Church Lady' Robbery At Ohio Union
December 23, 2010: FBI: Woman Arrested In Bank Robbery Could Be 'Church Lady Bandit'
December 10, 2010: 'Church Lady Bandit' Strikes Again; Robs Hotel
November 7, 2010: FBI: 'Church Lady Bandit' Strikes Grocery Store Bank
October 21, 2010: FBI: 'Church Lady Bandit' Sought In Ohio Union Bank Robbery
October 20, 2010: FBI: 'Church Lady Bandit' Robbed Ohio Union Bank
September 10, 2010: Crime Stoppers Seeks Info On 'Church Lady' Bank Robber
September 3, 2010: FBI: 'Church Lady Bandit,' Wanted In 2008 Robberies, Strikes Again
October 22, 2008: FBI: 'Church Lady' Strikes Again
October 20, 2008: FBI: 'Church Lady' Robs Bank

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