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Elementary School Principal, Teacher Suspended For Failing To Report Abuse

A principal and a special education teacher have been suspended with pay for failing to report abuse of an autistic child which occurred at the school. Find out more.

The principal of South Mifflin Elementary school and one of its special education teachers have been suspended, with pay, for failing to report when a child had been abused.

Amatullah Shields said her 10-year-old son, who is autistic, was placed inside a “body sock” to calm him.

The body sock, which looks like a thin sleeping bag, is used to calm children with special needs. The sock covers the child, including the face.

Shields said her son was incorrectly placed in the “sock” with a coat and book bag on and that he lost his balance and fell.

Shields said her son lost his balance, fell over and knocked out two teeth.  She also said the body sock was not approved to be used on her child according to his Individual Education Plan, or I.E.P.  

The mom said she was contacted the same day and was told her son was hurt, but she said she was never told what happened and the school did not report the incident to authorities.

Shields said she is pleased the principal and teacher have been reprimanded but says more staff should be as well.

“The nurse should be punished. She did not call an ambulance for my child she denied him medical care," Shields said. “The teachers who helped strain him and forced the tooth back in, after it was knocked out should be punished.”

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